UK vs canada

UK vs Canada

Living and settling Abroad is a dream for many people. Many people always compare the UK vs Canada when seeking the opportunity to get citizenship in a foreign country. The UK and Canada are destinations for many people. Many immigrants try their best to get citizenship in these countries. Both of these countries provide many opportunities to their citizens, and that’s why, According to the World Happiness Report of 2021, Canada was ranked at number 14 and the UK at number 18 out of 149 countries.

In the UK vs Canada, both countries provide citizenship to eligible people through different paths. Gaining a Canadian PR is very easy if you fit the criteria set by them because they offer very friendly immigration policies and have opened many streams for immigrant students, job seekers, and those who are working in Canada, While the UK now has a straightforward policy that welcomes immigrants’ students, and job seekers to get the opportunity for employment.  Both of these countries are very welcoming towards immigrants, and both of them have their own criteria and opportunities. Both countries will provide a dual citizenship offer so that you cannot remove your home country’s citizenship if you want to get another one. If you want to migrate and get citizenship from one of these countries but cannot choose between them, then a comparison of different things is explored in this article.

UK vs canada

UK vs Canada Comparison:

A comparison between UK and Canadian citizenship with different things like eligibility criteria, education, employment, etc. is given below:


UK education is less costly than education in Canada. If you want to go abroad as a student with a student visa, then getting a student visa for the UK is much easier and less costly than getting one for Canada. The universities in the UK offer a master’s of one year and then a student can switch to a job PR Getting a PR in the UK is difficult and a very long process, while getting a PR in Canada is easy, and the universities in Canada offer a 2-year master’s degree program with a 1-year work permit. Many companies are providing student visa sponsorship in Canada that allows a student to work and study and, after completing the degree, get settled in Canada, while the UK does not provide this opportunity. So if you want to settle down abroad after completing your studies, then choosing Canada is a great option, but it is a little costly for the UK.

Job Opportunities

The economy of Canada is very strong compared to the UK and has been growing steadily for many years. That is why the job market is diverse and a person gets a lot of opportunities in industry-based jobs in Canada than in the UK because Canada is a home for industries. If a person wants to do a job in the technology industry, then the UK is a great option because it provides many opportunities in the Tech industry, while in Canada, the opportunities for finance and management positions are in high demand. If you want to do business or are an entrepreneur, then seeking Canadian citizenship is best because Canada has the top ten best business resources and abilities worldwide and provides the way for advanced and progressive business prospects.

UK vs Canada Health Care System

The healthcare systems of both countries are good and both provide universal medical needs for free, but the Canadian healthcare system provides the person with all the medical facilities for free, including doctor and dental visit, mental health services, and all basic needs While in the UK, you had many medical facilities, but you had to pay for the doctor, dental visits, and elective surgeries like eye surgery.

UK vs Canada Living Cost

The cost of living in each country depends upon the region or city the person is living in. In general, food, consumption goods, and housing costs in the UK are more expensive than in Canada. Utility costs, like bills and flight or train tickets, are more expensive in Canada than in the UK. The tax rate in the UK is high as compared to Canada, and the cost of gasoline per liter is low in Canada as compared to the UK.

Weather Conditions

The weather conditions in the UK and Canada are very different from each other. The temperature in the UK is moderate, while the temperature in Canada is very harsh and extreme. The winter season in the UK ranges from 2°C to 7°C (36°F to 45°F) in December and January, while in Canada, the winter temperature is extremely cold and ranges from -5°C to -15°C.

Nature of people

The UK and Canadian people are by nature very friendly and welcoming to immigrants, But without any doubt, the Canadian people won the awards for hospitality because they are more friendly and welcoming than the UK people.  The Canadian people are very understanding, and they always apologize. Many immigrants choose citizenship in Canada because of the Canadian’s understanding and good nature

Policy for Immigrants

Canada and the UK both have point-based policies for all immigrants that give priority to all skilled workers to come and work in their country and contribute to the country’s economy and society. This immigration policy is easy for Canada but for the UK, it is very difficult to navigate and is very complex

Crime Rate

The crime rate in Canada is lower than in the UK. Canada is on the list of the top ten safest nations and is giving its citizens a safe environment, while in the UK the crime rate is slightly higher as compared to Canada. On average, the U.K. has reported 33% more robberies, 22% more assaults, 30% more homicides, and 28% more hate crimes as compared to Canada, so in this case, Canada wins because it’s a tolerant country.

UK vs Canada: Culture

The UK and Canada both have their own cultures and traditions. Canadians are known as friendly, multicultural people, and they emphasize mostly outdoor activities. The national language of Canada is English or French, while the British people are famous for their art, history, and sports, and their national language is only English.

UK vs Canada: Nature

The UK and Canada both have beautiful landscapes and nature. Both are very beautiful countries. The UK has many different landscapes that include lakes and rolling farmland, but Canada has a much wider landscape than the UK. Canada contains the world’s longest coastline, a million rivers and lakes, 48 national parks, and much more.

You can also read about Australian Citizenship

Eligibility Criteria

In the UK, you can apply for British citizenship through naturalization if you have lived there for at least five years and are a permanent resident. The time becomes three years if you marry a British Citizen. If you were born in the UK and lived there for up to 10 years, then you will get UK citizenship automatically. While in Canada, you will be eligible for Citizenship if you lived there for 1095 days within five years and had permanent resident status. If you are born in Canada, then you get citizenship automatically.

Citizenship Test

After spending the required amount of time and fulfilling the criteria, immigrants can apply for Citizenship by taking a citizenship test. If you pass this test, then you will be invited to an oath-taking ceremony, and there you will get the citizenship certificate. The test had different patterns, requirements, syllabi, and passing marks. Check the requirements on the official website and start preparing for the test because it’s an important and last step for getting your dream country’s citizenship.


Settling abroad permanently and becoming a citizen of that country is a dream for many people. Canada and the UK are the top priorities for many immigrants. Many immigrants want to go there and then permanently become citizens of that country. Choosing the country is up to you. We just provided you with a comparison of both countries with respect to many things like education, lifestyle, and many more.

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