
Module 3 – Lesson 1- How do i have my say ?

As we learnt in Module 2, every Australian citizen over the age of 18 must register to vote and vote in all federal, state/territory, and referendums on amendments to Australia’s constitution. Australia’s parliamentary democracy operates by each individual voting for a person to serve as their representative in parliament. If you do not correctly register…


Module 2 – Lesson 5- Participating in Australian society

Every Australian citizen is urged to be an active member of society, taking responsibility for the nation’s future and always seeking to improve. Take an active interest in politics, become a community volunteer, join arts or cultural institutions, or join associations dedicated to improving your neighborhood. Every Australian person is required to pay tax on their…


Module 2 – Lesson 4- Responsibilities and Privileges of Australian citizenship

Citizenship in Australia entails both obligations and advantages that all citizens must uphold in order to maintain Australia free, safe, and equitable. Responsibilities Every Australian citizen is required to observe all Australian laws, without exception. Voting: Australian residents aged 18 and over are required to vote in federal, state/territory, and referendums on the Australian constitution….


Module 2 – Lesson 3- Our equalities

Australia’s legal system is established to ensure that no one is treated differently because of their age, gender, colour, or disability. Men and women have equal rights in Australia, and it is unlawful to discriminate against anybody on the basis of gender. Furthermore, the right to equal opportunity, sometimes known as a “fair go,” is…


Module 2 – Lesson 2- Our freedoms

The right to free expression is vital to the Australian democratic system. Freedom of expression permits people to advocate and argue their own ideas through speech or writing. Australian residents have the right to criticize the government, push for legislative changes, and engage in peaceful protest against the government, as long as they do not…


Module 2 – Lesson 1- Our democratic beliefs

Australia is governed by parliamentary democracy, which means that the government derives its authority from the population of the country through votes cast to elect a parliament. All members of Parliament who represent the electorate must defend their election choices. Under the law, every Australian is equal. Every individual, group, and religious organization is treated…

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