citizen of Australia

Becoming Australian Citizen

Major changes to Australian Citizenship: it is now more difficult to become a citizen of Australia

Becoming a Australian citizen, the requirements has been be toughened by the government. A senate bill in 2017 was introduced with major reforms to make it tougher to become a citizen of Australia, but it failed in the Senate. Although the government has worked on a revised bill, it is not yet known when this revised Bill will be presented to Parliament for debate. Australian citizenship is one of the best citizenship when it comes to significant benefits for their citizens.

Becoming Citizen of Australian may become harder if the legislation is approved by parliament. As the Australian government is already have issues with housing crisis and unemployment ratio is going up. Australian citizenship test is also focusing on Australian values and now form the basis of citizenship applications. Australian citizenship, according to the Australian government, is a privilege that will be awarded only to individuals who respect Australian laws, embrace Australian culture, adhere closely with Australian values, and fully integrate themselves into Australian society. Please find below the proposed new regulations (subject the adoption of legislation).

All about Citizenship Test and Why it is so important ?

Australian Government introduced a Test called Citizenship Test in order to become citizen of Australia. The test is compulsory to pass to become an Australian citizen. This test assess your understanding of Australian culture and its norms, the test is made in such a way that it checks your loyalty towards Australia as your home country, understanding of Australian culture, including its people, their lifestyle, traditions and geography as well as symbols and beliefs, as well as laws and government regulations. It will also examine the privileges and responsibilities of Australian citizenship.

It is a computerized test in English. The citizenship test will consist of 20 MCQ questions that you have to answer within duration of 45 minutes. The test is multiple choice(MCQ), meaning that each question has three possible answers. (Unless it’s a True/False question with two answers only). It is necessary to correctly answer 15 out of 20 questions. You are permitted to make up to five mistakes. This test will be based on the book Our Common Bond which is provided on the official website of Home Affairs.

Update: the Australian government is planning to implement a new test of citizenship. This new citizenship test, which is subject to legislation being passed, will include questions taken from “Australian Citizenship – Our Common Bond” but also new questions regarding the applicants’ understanding and commitment to Australian Values.

New questions could test migrants’ views on gender equality, religious freedom and other issues. New questions include topics such as female genital cutting, violence against children and women, and forced marriage. You must be able to:

  • You have successfully applied for Australian Citizenship
  • You must be an Australian permanent resident.
  • You must provide proof of identity when registering for the test
  • You can either provide your own photo or let the government take it
  • This test is not mandatory for everyone. Not everyone has to take this test.
  • If you’re under 18 years old or older than 60
  • If you are unable to complete the test because of a significant cognitive or physical impairment
  • If one of your parents was a citizen of Australia
  • If you were born before the 16th September 1975 in Papua and your parent is a citizen of Australia who was born there, then this applies to you. If you’re a stateless individual but were born in Australia

There are no extra fees associated with this test. The only fee you pay is at the time of making application to sit in the test. You will receive a notification from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, indicating the time, date and place of the citizenship test. The waiting period for this letter may vary depending on the local test center.

What to Bring at the Citizenship testing center ?

All original documents submitted along with the citizenship application must be brought. Along with your photo and completed Identity Declaration, you’ll also have to bring all original documents.

Australian Citizenship Test 2024 – Be on time for the test.

It is very much important to arrive at the test center on time, once you arrived there meet staff at the desk and make sure you have all the supporting necessary documents for id verification otherwise, you will not be allowed to test. You should know the best way to reach your test site and estimate how long it will take you to arrive before test day.

Australian Citizenship Test – What to expect when you arrive?

You will be asked to go to the counter when you arrive at the center to register yourself for the test. Officer at the desk will check your documents to confirm your identity, and will also verify the details you entered on the citizenship application.
Staff at the center will make sure that you citizenship exam that same day. You will be than asked to provide photograph, you can also use the inhouse service at the center for the photograph if you don’t have one. After that, the officer will give you a code to login on one of the computers located in the room.

Rules for the Australian Citizenship Test in the testing room

  • You will have 45 minutes to complete your Australian Citizenship Test
  • You cannot bring resource materials (notes or resource books, for example).
  • All personal items must be stored under your desk when you are taking your exam
  • All electronic devices must be switched off
  • You can only talk to the test administrator.

What happens in the Australian citizenship test?

A test officer will be able to show you the basics of using a computer if you are not familiar with it. If you are unable to complete your test on your own due to a physical or cognitive disability, a member of staff will be able assist you. If you are unable to read or use the mouse on the computer, for example, you can ask a member of staff to help you.

  • You can ask the staff to read out the answers and questions for you if you are unable to understand English.
  • Please contact the Department (Telephone 131 880) for more information about assistance during the test.
  • The Standard Test will be administered to all other applicants (the same exam but without any assistance).
  • You can also take the course-based test if you are unable to take either the Standard Test or the Assisted Testing. The Course-Based Test is what it’s called. You can only take this course-based exam if you have failed the Standard Test or Assisted test three times. Click to learn more about the course-based exam, or call the department at (131 880) if you want further information.
  • You may be asked to leave a test center if you do not follow the rules.

Australian citizenship test tips to help you pass

  • Read the book several times before you test. Make sure you know your material.
  • Before your test, take lots of tests.
  • You should eat something before taking the test, so that you don’t feel hungry and distracted.
  • The night before your exam, make sure you get enough sleep.
  • Please arrive at the center on time
  • It’s okay to get five questions wrong but the best thing is to try and answer them all. Pick any answer which sounds plausible if you are unsure of the answer. There is a 33% probability of selecting the correct answer. (Or 50% if it’s a True/False). Incorrect answers do not result in a penalty.
  • You should take your test at your own pace. Read the questions and relax. It should take no more than 45 minutes.

Australian citizenship test – after passing the test

The result of the test will be displayed on your screen at the end. You will see your results automatically on the application for citizenship. Your documents will be returned by your citizenship officer. After that, you will have to wait until the result of your application is received. Your application will be approved if your citizenship requirements are met. Then you’ll have to wait for a second letter telling you the exact date, time and venue of your citizenship ceremony. This will usually be within six months after your citizenship application is approved.
Your citizenship must be formally recognized. If you do not take the Australian Citizenship Pledge, then your citizenship will be revoked. All the application usually processes within 1 year estimated time from the date of approval, it could be delay due to any circumstances, once you get notification of the approval, you must attend the ceremony as soon as possible. Attending the ceremony is compulsory for every individual, exceptions may be granted if there is a legitimate reason, once evidence has been provided. Contact the department immediately if you will not be able to attend. The Pledge is not required if you are:

Australian Citizenship Test
Why it is so important ?
  • You are permanently impaired in your cognitive abilities or in your physical ability
  • One of your parents was an Australian citizen
  • You were born a Papua New Guinea
    When you were born in Australia, your birth was not a stateless event.
    If you’re under 15, please click here.
    By descent or by adoption, you can obtain citizenship.
    Re-establishing your Australian citizenship

What happens If you fail your Australia citizenship test ?

You can have another attempt, perhaps on the same date, if necessary. Or you can schedule another exam if needed.
Update: The new rule stipulates (subjected to legislation being passed, the rule is set to come into force on the 1st of July 2018), that after three citizenship tests failures the applicant will have to wait two years to take the test again (currently, applicants can retake it as many times they like). This new rule will apply to any citizenship application made after or on 1 July 2018.
No additional fees are charged for retaking the test.

New Residency requirement to apply for citizenship

If Parliament approved the change, Permanent residents living in Australia will have to prove that they’ve lived in Australia for at least four years prior to applying for citizenship application. (As opposed to just one year as it is now). They can also spend no longer than a year outside Australia. The Australian Government already have tighten the requirements to become citizen of Australia and further they are looking to strict the citizenship criteria.

English language test requirements for citizenship

Currently the citizenship test is in English only and doesn’t require you provide any kind if English test certificate, but the government tries to introduce a English test requirement as s well. If it approved by the parliament, then all applicants must demonstrate their English proficiency by passing an English test, which includes reading, writing, speaking, and listening components, before taking the citizenship exam. The applicant must be able to pass this English Language test on a modest level in order to become citizen of Australia.

Latest Australian Values chapter in Australian citizenship test

The new Australian citizenship test has been approved by the Government. On and after the 15th of November 2020, there will be a new Australian Citizenship Test.
Revisions to the questions
There are new questions regarding Australian values
A new requirement is that the answers to all five Australian Values questions must be correct. The test must be passed with a score of at least 75% overall.
* Only the section of Australian Citizenship, Our Common Bond that has been updated will be used to test the applicants.

Applicants who have been convicted for a grave crime are also denied citizenship under the present system. Now, the government considers this insufficient. The new test looks at the history of all offenses, minor or not, that do not meet the Australian standard values such as welfare abusing.

Integration into Australian Society to become Citizen of Australia

If the application is approved, then applicants must prove their integration into Australian society. The applicants will have to provide evidence that they are integrated into Australian society, including proof of their tax payments, membership in clubs, school enrollment for their children and employment.

The government, for instance, wants proof that all applicants of working age actually work and that their children of school-age have taken advantage of Australia’s great education system by attending school, instead of being, say, involved in gang warfare.

Australian Government Tries to limits the citizenship test attempts

The new rule, if approved by Parliament, stipulates that after three failures at the citizenship test, the applicant will have to wait two years before taking the test again (the previous system allowed the applicant to take the test however many times they wanted). Applicants who cheat on their citizenship test can also be denied citizenship.

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