Top 10 benefits of US citizenship

Top 10 benefits of US citizenship

Many people want to know the top 10 benefits of US citizenship before they plan to migrate. The United States comes under the list of destinations and is the most popular country for many people. Many people want to go to the US to study, get jobs, and have a better future, and then after fulfilling some requirements and taking tests, they get US citizenship. Every year, many immigrants come to the US and then permanently settle there. It has become a perfect place for many people who want to try their luck for a better future. Getting US citizenship is an excellent way to establish your identity and citizenship worldwide because the United States is known as the strongest and most powerful country. The US citizens had easy access to all the employment opportunities that may not be available to green card holders or other persons who are not citizens of the US because of restrictions on sponsorship or security clearance requirements that are required by some employers or agencies. All the benefits make US citizenship an attractive option. If you come to the US to study, work, or for any other opportunity and you have a green card, then you must apply for US citizenship after fulfilling the requirements for naturalization because it comes with many advantages and can greatly impact an individual’s life. In this article, we will explore the Top 10 benefits of US citizenship.

The top 10 benefits of US citizenship are:

1. Right to Vote:

A very important benefit that a US citizen gets is to vote according to their choice to any political party in the elections. After a green card holder gets a US citizenship they can open a public office, or hold different campaigns for a political party. The law gives you all voting rights which includes local and national elections. A US Citizen can also take part in any political activities without any restriction. A person can also appear as an individual candidate or can join any party without constraints. With the right to vote opportunity, a person will be able to take part in the country policies, leadership and shape the future of the society. As a US citizen, a person can make their voice heard through the ballot box which can help you to play an active role in the democratic process.

2. Education: Top 10 benefits of US citizenship

United States universities are one of the top universities in the world. They had University of Harvard, Stanford, and many other top-rank Universities that provides high-quality education and their students get a high paying job. As a US citizen, you will get many financial aid scholarships for these top-ranking universities which you cannot get if you are not a US citizen or a green card holder. This opportunity can significantly reduce the higher education cost and make it affordable to pursue college or advanced degrees. In addition to it, some universities offer specific scholarships and grants exclusively to U.S. citizens only.

3. Freedom to Travel: Top 10 benefits of US citizenship

The passport of the US comes under the list of the most powerful and strongest passports in the world. After you get the US Citizenship, you can apply for the UK passport as a normal US Citizen. With these passports, you can travel to 180 countries without any visa because your passport is the only thing that you need for traveling. This passport offers visa-free and visa-on-arrival opportunities. You can enter or leave the UK at any time if you are a citizen. So, if you have a US passport then you don’t need to worry about the visa just book a flight and travel freely. This benefit is very valuable for those people who frequently travel for business or other purposes. You can also avail the facility of any type of help from the U.S. Embassies and Consulates when traveling outside of the United States whereas the non-citizen will not be given the same priority as U.S. citizens and that’s why it falls under the Top 10 benefits of US citizenship.

4. Jobs Opportunities:

As everyone knows the United States is a very powerful Country so, as a result, its economy is very strong. They provide a lot of job opportunities with a lot of benefits and a good salary. You can apply to any sector without any restrictions and extra requirements after becoming a US Citizen. Many Job opportunities are available in various industries, especially in health care, banking, finance, education, engineering, and marketing with a good amount of salary and after becoming a US citizen you can apply for any one of them. As a US Citizen you can also apply for government jobs and civil services, they do not stop you because you are now a US citizen and you will get all the opportunities that a US citizen will get. By becoming a citizen, you can increase your eligibility for these types of roles that often come with competitive salaries, benefits, and job security so, if you are a green card holder apply for citizenship now to get all these job opportunities. Getting a job or doing a business migration comes as one of the primary Top 10 benefits of US citizenship.

5. No Deportation for citizens:

If you are a green card holder or permanent resident and you commit a minor crime or violate a law or immigration rules then you will get deported, the court rules are very strict on the non-US citizen but if you become a US citizen then you will be protected from deportation. If you commit a crime or violate a rule then you get punishment but you cannot be deported from the US and the court rules are not very strict for you. This deportation opportunity is one of the top benefits that fall under the top 10 benefits of US citizenship.

6. Social Benefits: Top 10 benefits of US citizenship

U.S. citizens get access to a lot of social benefits and public assistance programs as compared to permanent residents. These benefits include Medicare, Social Security retirement, and disability benefits. A person can get medical care under Medicare and unemployment assistance if they lose their job or are unemployed. You can also receive social security benefits that can help you with the university fees. If you have a status of US Citizenship then you can fully participate in these programs and receive the support you may need during retirement or times of hardship without any restrictions.

7. American Kids: Top 10 benefits of US citizenship

If you become a United States Citizen after completing all the steps and requirements then your kids will automatically get the US Citizenship. Whether your kids are born in the US or in any other country they will automatically get the status of US Citizens just because of your Citizenship. They do not have to go through all the processes from where they pass, they are US Citizens after they are born. This opportunity is one of the main advantages in the top 10 benefits of US Citizenship.

8. Sponsorship: Top 10 benefits of US citizenship

The US citizen will sponsor their family member for visas and permanent residency because they now a full rights as a US Citizen. You can sponsor your partner or children on family-based immigration and you can also sponsor your other relative without any extra requirements because you have full right of sponsorship. They get their visa processed faster just because of their US citizenship.

9. Live Anywhere for a long time:

You can travel outside the US and live in your home country or any other country for a long period of time without any limitations. Your citizenship will not be affected if you are not present in the US for a long period of time. You cannot face any difficulties when you are re-entering in US. This thing considered one of the Top 10 benefits of US citizenship.

10. Dual Citizenship: Top 10 benefits of US citizenship

The dual citizenship benefit of US citizens is one of the biggest Top 10 Benefits of US Citizenship. A person does not have to choose only one country if they want US citizenship. The US provides access to individuals to retain their citizenship of their home country and enjoy the advantages of US citizenship. A person can hold dual citizenship as an American Citizen. This access provides flexibility, and it also helps people to maintain ties to their countries of origin. A person gets unique opportunities for travel, business, and cultural connection with these dual citizenship benefits.

Top 10 benefits of US citizenship


US citizenship opens the door for many opportunities and a brighter future for many people. A person will get a lot of benefits that include education, government job opportunities, access to funds, and many more. All these benefits are explored above in detail. If you are a permanent resident then apply for citizenship to get all these benefits. In this article, we try to summarize the Top 10 benefits of US citizenship.

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