Contemporary Challenges and Adaptations

While these core values remain influential, British society is undergoing rapid changes. The increasing diversity of the population has led to a broader understanding of tolerance and inclusivity. Challenges such as inequality and social division have prompted discussions about the need to re-evaluate and adapt traditional values.


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Who was known as the Iron Duke?


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How many British citizens left the country between 1853 and 1913?


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What characterised the Bronze Age?


4 / 24

Why did Henry VIII decide to divorce Catherine of Aragon?


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When was Emmeline Pankhurst born?

6 / 24

When did the Roman army leave Britain?


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When did Alexander Fleming win the Nobel Prize in medicine for the discovery of penicillin?


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When did Argentina invade the Falklands Islands?


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Which of the following is NOT a British invention?


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After the Black Death, the growing wealth in the towns led to the development of a strong middle class:


11 / 24

Which British scientist led the development of the atomic bomb?


12 / 24

Which of the following areas did the British Empire NOT cover during the Victorian period?


13 / 24

Who was Henry VII?


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How long did the First World War last for?


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Which famous philosopher developed ideas about human nature during the 18th century and that have continued to influence philosophers over the years?


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What British discovery was influential in the development of computer science and the modern-day computer?


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Which two scientists led a team which was the first to succeed in cloning a mammal, Dolly the sheep?


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Which TWO of Henry VIII’s wives were accused of taking lovers and executed?


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What was the ability of the Harrier jump jet aircraft?


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Where in England was one of the Anglo-Saxon kings buried with treasure and armour?


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Which of the following scientific discoveries helped the progress of the Industrial Revolution?


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During the Middle Ages, a Parliament was developed in Scotland, which had three Houses called Estates. These were:


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Which prehistoric village located in northern Europe has helped archaeologists to understand more about how people lived near the end of the Stone Age?


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When did the ‘Concorde‘ aircraft carry passengers for the first time?


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Diversity and Inclusion:

As the UK becomes more diverse, there is a growing emphasis on inclusivity and the celebration of different cultures. This shift is reflected in policies and social attitudes that promote equality and respect for all communities.

Social Inequality:
Addressing social inequality is a key challenge. Efforts to ensure fair access to education, healthcare, and employment are part of a broader commitment to upholding the value of fairness in a modern context.

Impact on Daily Life

These values manifest in various aspects of daily life. For example, the emphasis on fairness is evident in the education system, with a focus on equal opportunities for all. The value of individualism is reflected in the career choices people make and their pursuit of personal fulfillment. Politeness and respect underpin social interactions, from queuing in public to engaging in conversations.

The UK’s education system aims to provide equal opportunities, reflecting the value of fairness. This commitment is seen in policies that support access to quality education for all children, regardless of background.

Work and Career:
The value of individualism is evident in the diverse career paths and entrepreneurial spirit found in the UK. Individuals are encouraged to pursue their passions and contribute to society in unique ways.

Social Interactions:
Everyday behaviors, such as queuing orderly and using polite language, reflect the importance of respect and good manners. These small acts contribute to a cohesive and respectful society.

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