We do not in any way represent the Australian government on our website. All information supplied by us is correct to the best of our knowledge, and it is your obligation to double-check it with official sources.

We make no guarantee that using our services will fulfill your needs, be accurate, or be uninterrupted or error-free. We cannot promise that our questions will match your test’s official questions, nor can we guarantee that you will pass your official citizenship exam. By using this site, you accept that the use of our information is for practice purposes only and does not ensure that you will be granted citizenship in Australia. Every effort is taken to maintain the website operational. However, we accept no responsibility and will not be held accountable if the website becomes momentarily inaccessible due to technical reasons beyond our control.

All written and audio study material on this website is sourced from the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship and is offered purely for the convenience of our clients.

ISBN 978-1-92446-96-2 Commonwealth of Australia 2009

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